Please note: Student comments have been lightly edited for length and clarity, but otherwise appear as they were originally submitted.
Many students said they were worried about A.I. taking human jobs. For some, that’s affecting their post-high school plans.
As a person planning to major in computer science, I am worried about AI taking over human jobs. Tech jobs are one of the most vulnerable to being replaced by AI, as they involve repetitive logical tasks which can be easily done by AI. I always fear that this would make my future degree useless, making me more inclined to think about majoring in math in college. Entering my senior year, I feel both excited and anxious for college, as I have always been passionate about tech since middle school, but with the sudden emergence of AI replacing the need to have people working in tech, I don’t feel that I can get a job.
— Soha, Gbw
I am nervous because, in just a few years, artificial intelligence will be smarter and more efficient than humans. Employers in the future will be more likely to choose robots that work full time, don’t take lunch breaks, are almost always right, and don’t need to be paid, over humans who need to be paid, require breaks, complain, and sometimes make errors in their work. I am fearful that by the time I go to college and am ready to start a real job, there will be nowhere for me to work as human employers will be replaced with AI. As a result, I need to do my research and go into a field that is not vulnerable to automation.
— Audrey, New York
As a teenager in this age I am worried that after spending money to attend college and working hard in school, I will be unable to get a job due to AI taking over. It seems that so many jobs are going to be replaced by robots. As my Spanish teacher demonstrated, AI can take the jobs of teachers. Furthermore, with the images AI can create, jobs in marketing and digital design might also be taken. It seems that engineering might be the way to go due to that career is what makes AI possible. Overall I think it is sad that AI is slowly taking away jobs and will make it harder on my generation and the generation after mine to find good jobs.
— Sophia, Glenbard West hs
Others pointed out that humans are already being replaced.
As artificial intelligence grows, it will become capable of performing jobs normally operated by people, such as taking orders. The kiosk has been growing significantly over the past years, and many workers for companies such as McDonalds have been replaced by the alternative of the kiosk. This is alarming because if AI can take over industries such as fast food, it can take over jobs from any of us.
— Peter, Hilton Head Prep