Exploring The Core Company Values That Shape The Culture of eLearning Industry
Oh, how time flies when you’re having fun (and building a community of eLearning enthusiasts with a lifelong passion for knowledge sharing). Here at eLearning Industry, we’re marking our 10th anniversary and we have plenty of great things in store. We’re passionate about all things education and we’d like to take this opportunity to recognize those who’ve visited our site, guest posted, subscribed to our newsletter, and chosen us to be their marketing partner. Though we’ll be diving into the 10 company core values that make us who we are, we wouldn’t be where we are today without you.
Before we get started, let’s take a brief trip down memory lane to show you how eLI has grown over the past decade and why this milestone is such an important one for us. We’ll also give you a sneak preview of what’s to come during our anniversary celebrations.
Our Origin Story (AKA The Best Things Begin On Balconies)
eLearning Industry (eLI) was founded in 2012 by Christopher Pappas. It all started on his balcony, where Christopher launched a personal blog with the mission of “democratizing” the eLearning field and making knowledge accessible to everyone, regardless of their background, level of education, or economic status. This is why we firmly believe that the best things begin on balconies. Just look at the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, the balcony at Buckingham Palace, and Juliet’s perch in fair Verona. Well, maybe the last one didn’t end so well, but it’s still one of the most beloved Shakespearean works, right?
By 2013, the blog had blossomed into a fully accessible digital network that would disrupt the eLearning status quo once and for all. Christopher even set up shop in a more spacious locale, the neighborhood cafe, once he realized that the balcony was just too small to hold his big ideas. Then, the eLearning Industry platform was officially brought into the world in 2014.
Today, eLI is an internationally acknowledged company with headquarters in the US and a core team based in Athens. Our family has constantly grown and we’ve never lost sight of our founder’s core vision, which is to give eLearning professionals around the world the chance to share their knowledge and unique expertise with the community.
Celebrate With Us!
Go explore our merch. It has something for every lifelong learner!
10 eLI Core Company Values That Make Us Who We Are
What we believe makes eLI unique is our strong and collaborative corporate culture, which is woven into every aspect of our daily work lives and business practices. Our principles aren’t just something that’s sprawled across our office walls or highlighted in our employee handbook; we strive to be our best each and every time we take part in a project or join a Zoom meeting. Even something as seemingly mundane as sending out an email is our chance to set an example and show what eLI stands for.
In honor of our 10-year anniversary, we’ll publish a collection of 10 articles that delves into each of our cultural pillars, as well as tips that you can apply to cultivate these company core values within your own organization.
Truth, honesty, and fairness govern everything that we do. When we face hard choices and difficult decisions, it’s our mission to do the right thing, even if that means overcoming adversity.
Passion is at the root of eLI’s achievements. It is what keeps us going. All the busy bees here at eLI share this core company value and we’re committed to a common cause: sharing our know-how and giving others a platform to do the same. This also applies to working with our clients to reach their goals.
Authenticity And A Personal Touch
We’ve created a culture of trust and open communication. Every member of the team is encouraged to be proactive and communicate about issues, roles, activities, and what they would like to see in the future. This is the only way an organization can truly grow. Making a difference matters to us. It’s not just a cliche but a motto that’s always fresh in our minds when interacting with the community.
Challenge The Status Quo
Change and innovation often require fearless choices. eLearning Industry is a place where people are invited to step out of their comfort zone and seize new opportunities. We believe that it’s all about asking the right questions to find the right solutions.
Drive Performance
Our top priority is quality. Everyone gets the recognition they deserve and there’s total transparency in everything we set out to do. We all play a crucial role in eLearning Industry’s success, but we also celebrate milestones and revel in the results together.
We Love Learning
Breaking ground with our continuous learning approach is what we do best. Many companies are on the lookout for employees who know everything. At eLI, we value team members who are ready and willing to learn new things every day. A constant thirst for knowledge is the key to creating a culture that never stops evolving.
Grow Together
Our company continually invests in its future by focusing on the growth of employees. However, this core company value also extends to our eLearning community. We’re always looking for innovative ways to expand our reach and give unique voices a place to share their perspectives.
Knowledge is power. Shared knowledge is power multiplied. Every project we undertake centers on collaboration and the free exchange of ideas. We practice what we preach by encouraging every member of the team to share what they know and help others to broaden their horizons.
We pride ourselves on living the motto “teamwork makes the dream work.” We treasure collaboration and cooperation more than anything when it comes to our company core values. Well, we should probably throw having fun into the mix, as well. We believe that with positive energy and an upbeat mindset, there is nothing you cannot accomplish.
Embrace Feedback
Early on, we discovered a powerful, yet often overlooked, secret weapon: constructive feedback. There’s nothing better than having real conversations and making suggestions, all within a safe and supportive space. Building trusting relationships is vital to us, and past experiences provide us with invaluable learning opportunities.
Our Anniversary Plans: Exploring Core Company Values And So Much More
Apparently, diamond is the modern anniversary gift, and we’ve got plenty of gems lined up for our community. In addition to our Cultural Pillar Collection that maps out a few examples of company core values in action, you can expect a variety of different articles to commemorate our 10th year. This will include an exclusive interview with our founder. So, watch this space to see what’s in store, and for unique opportunities for you to build your thought leadership and make the most of our platform.
In the meantime, you can download eLI Audience Survey 2022: Leveraging eLearning Buyer Insights To Fuel Marketing Strategies to dive into this survey data analysis and see the real effect of working from home and social distancing on eLearning professionals, HR pros, and corporations worldwide.