How To Break Down Hybrid Learning Roadblocks With Virtual Learning Solutions
There’s not an exact science to hybrid learning. However, knowing which potential pitfalls are involved and how to avoid them from the get-go can help you implement a winning strategy. This eBook by Adobe Connect gives you all the insights you need to overcome the hurdles by choosing the best virtual learning solution. Before we give you a sneak preview of what’s inside this guide, let’s look at some of the essential hybrid learning ingredients.
Educators’ Guide To Overcome Hybrid Learning Hurdles With The Right Virtual Learning Solution
This ultimate guide for educators is designed to help you overcome common hybrid learning challenges and find the best platform for your organization.
Definitive Traits Of Successful Hybrid Learning Environments
There isn’t a universal template for hybrid learning. Course developers, curriculum designers, and even learners themselves may decide what combination they want to use. It’s up to them which online and/or offline tools they’ll actively incorporate into their strategy. So, which resources and features are mandatory for effective knowledge transfer and retention? Here are the quintessential traits that all successful hybrid learning environments have in common.
Allows For Autonomy Without Sacrificing Social Interactivity
Learners often prefer to do things on their own, especially when it comes to personal growth. Online learning allows us to chart our own paths, but this solo training journey can get lonely, and having no support system may lead to mistakes. The offline portion of your hybrid course allows self-paced study but still has scope for collaboration. Successful hybrid learning environments respect individuality and autonomy, while also understanding the importance of informal learning opportunities, such as JIT libraries or social media tools that fill in the gaps after the ILT session and allow students to explore different aspects of the topic.
Facilitates Peer-Based Support And Knowledge Sharing
Of course, one of the main drivers of hybrid learning tools is collaboration. In a purely online environment, learners are on their own. But when the course is hybrid, they have direct access to fellow learners who can help out. To make this mutual activity fully functional, incorporate an element of crowdsourcing. Invite learners to go beyond chat queries or shared nuggets. Have them routinely upload interesting articles and external resources. You could even have students post a “question of the day.” Have learners contribute ideas before the moderator rounds it off with a neatly bundled summary of the teaching moment.
Employs Mutual And Consistent Feedback Loops
Just because you have communication tools doesn’t mean you’re fully utilizing them. We all belong to social media groups with tens or maybe hundreds of members. Yet there’ll be members who never contribute for one reason or another. You may even forget these “observers” are part of the crowd. In a hybrid learning setup, when educators notice a learner being too passive, they could ask them a direct question to get the collaborative ball rolling. Of course, it has to be done subtly and tactfully because, if the learner feels singled out, they might disengage mentally.
About This eBook
How do you create personalized hybrid learning experiences and engage your remote learners? This eBook can help you avoid the most common hybrid learning pitfalls. Here’s a brief glimpse of the key takeaways:
- Why Web-Conferencing Platforms Need To Be Custom-Tailored For Virtual Education
- Personalizing The Learning Process For Every Member Of Your Audience
- Eliminating Accessibility Barriers And Providing Equal Learning Opportunities
- Standardizing Educational Best Practices For Hybrid Learning Programs
- Empowering Educators And Fueling Remote Learner Engagement
- Building A Collaborative Online Learning Community To Offer Ongoing Support
Download the eBook Educators’ Guide To Overcome Hybrid Learning Hurdles With The Right Virtual Learning Solution to break down the roadblocks that stand in the way of hybrid learning success.
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