Active Learning In Online Education
There are several benefits of using active learning techniques in online education, including improved student engagement and performance, increased faculty satisfaction, and enhanced institutional reputation. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of active learning in online education and how to transition from lecture-based to active learning courses.
What Is Active Learning?
Active learning is an educational approach where students actively participate in the learning process. It differs vastly from lecture-based learning, as active learning encourages students to shape their own learning experience and apply concepts as they learn them. As a result, active learning facilitates more significant critical thinking and comprehension of information among students, while offering more interactive activities than lecture-based courses. In particular, active learning strategies perfectly suit online education settings, as interactive technology and other digital resources create immersive yet structured experiences between teachers and students. As such, transitioning from lecture-based to active learning courses will significantly benefit the student experience, while opening up possibilities for how knowledge is conveyed in any given course.
Benefits Of Using Active Learning
Active learning in online education creates an improved learning experience for students through improved engagement, increased satisfaction, and higher participation rates. This improved engagement improves students’ comprehension of topics, leading to improved knowledge retention and enhanced learning outcomes. As a result, faculty productivity is boosted through improved assessment accuracy, as well as from being able to engage better in teaching efforts, rather than lecturing. Ultimately, transitioning from lecture-based courses to active learning courses will enhance the educational experience overall.
Transitioning From Lecture-Based Courses To Active Learning
Faculty development training is the essential first step for faculty intending to transition their lecture-based courses to an active learning approach. Training sessions can be held individually or in groups, to ensure faculty are adequately prepared to facilitate active learning. During these trainings, essential concepts, such as best practices for course delivery approaches for engaging students in online discussions and examples of in-class active learning activities, can be presented by faculty with experience teaching online courses. Additionally, faculty can review case studies of successful implementations of this approach at different institutions. Adopting effective instructional strategies for online contexts is critical for creating successful and impactful educational experiences that serve learners well beyond the classroom environment.
Successful Implementations Of Active Learning In Online Education
Active learning has revolutionized the way courses are offered in online education. Active learning assignments and activities enable students to better understand the material by engaging in hands-on activities instead of passively listening to lectures. Active learning strategies also help create collaboration opportunities, as students can engage with one another, discuss concepts, and contribute answers that others might not have considered.
As an example of successful implementation, many educators now use virtual breakout rooms for small group discussions, made possible with online conference software. Active learning exercises, such as role-plays, debates, and simulations, work well on web-conferencing platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Additionally, instructors are taking advantage of online games, electronic learning modules, and other interactive activities that motivate students to think critically and apply their knowledge from lectures. Active learning, as implemented in online education, captures student attention by making lessons more enjoyable and less overwhelming.
Transforming lecture-based courses to active learning courses effectively improves the overall online educational experience. In active learning, students are more engaged, as they can learn through active participation in discussion boards and practical tasks. Educators can ensure quality assurance, and the best delivery of online instruction, by providing an interactive environment that encourages active participation. Additionally, active learning environments provide an enhanced educational experience by increasing student engagement and motivation, which, in turn, improves the learning outcome.
This article offers a comprehensive guide on seamlessly transitioning from lecture-based courses to active learning courses for optimal user satisfaction and educational outcomes. Active learning is a powerful tool that can engage students and improve outcomes in online education. While transitioning from lecture-based to active learning courses may seem daunting, many resources and support systems can help faculty make the change. With careful planning and execution, active learning can be successfully implemented in online education, resulting in improved student engagement and satisfaction, and increased faculty productivity.