Full-time teaching is a lot more than 40 hours a week, as experienced educators know. That just doesn’t work for everyone. If you love to teach but don’t want full-time work, there are plenty of options! Here are some common part-time teaching jobs, and tips on how you can get one for yourself.
Best for: Those who work well cooperatively and are willing to give up some control of curriculum and classroom management styles.
In most job-share situations, two teachers share the responsibilities for a single classroom. Often, they split up the schedule by days of the week; one teacher might work Monday and Friday, while the other teaches Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Or one teacher could take mornings while the other handles afternoons. Either way, it’s a good way to break a full-time job into two or more part-time teaching jobs.
Real Teacher Experience
“I job-shared for 10 years … I taught half-days. I likened job sharing to a marriage. We kept a notebook to communicate in the beginning, but we found that leaving messages on a tape recorder was more efficient. [In my experience] you are fresh and full of energy because you are working less than full-time and you have more time to create lessons that are creative. If you split up subjects … with fewer classes to plan, you have more time to delve into the subject matter.” (Mary F. on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE Facebook group)
In some countries, like the United Kingdom, teacher job-sharing is very common. It’s less frequent in the United States, but there are definitely options out there. If you’d like to propose a job-share setup in your current school, it can be helpful if you already have a teaching partner in mind. Otherwise, larger school districts may be your best bet for finding this type of position.
Learn more: Job Sharing for Teachers (ThoughtCo)
Substitute Teaching
Best for: Those who want the freedom to choose the days they teach and are willing and able to adapt to new classrooms regularly.
In these days of COVID, substitute teachers are more in demand than ever. In many districts, you’ll be able to work as many days a week as you like. But subbing has its drawbacks too. Though you’ll sometimes be able to schedule days in advance, you’re more likely to get a phone call or text the morning of an opportunity. You’ll need to be ready to go at the drop of a hat. Most of the time, teachers will leave you good sub plans to follow, but you may or may not do much “real teaching.” In older grades especially, you might wind up just pressing play on a video or supervising kids while they work independently.
Real Teacher Experience
“I have been subbing for over 10 years. It started as a way to get out of the house every once in a while and make a little money when my own kids were little. I have a degree in education but my full-time teaching license is expired. Now that my own kids are older and in school themselves, it’s a good flexible source of income for our family. I can work nearly full-time but still have the flexibility to take off as needed for my family’s needs. I enjoy working with kids, and I have enjoyed getting to know many teachers and school staff.” (What It’s Like To Substitute Teach During a Pandemic)
Finding Substitute Teaching Jobs
Contact your local district or school to learn what their current requirements are for subs. You might need only a high school diploma, but some districts require college degrees or have other specifications. Generally, you’ll register with a district and provide your availability. Some districts now use online scheduling systems, so you can look for available days in advance. But often, you’ll wait for a call or text the day of or the night before.
Learn more: 5 Secrets I Have Learned as a Substitute Teacher
Tutoring Jobs
Best for: Those who like a one-on-one experience.
Some of the most popular part-time teaching jobs are tutoring gigs. You can work in person or online, and once you’ve gained some experience, you can make a pretty good living from it. You can choose your own students, hours, and subjects too.
Real Teacher Experience
“I tutor with Tutor.com and love it! You set your hours a week ahead of time with a maximum of six hours, but can pick up additional hours at the end of the week if there are available spots, which there always are. It’s completely online, chatting in a virtual classroom. I’m an English teacher, so I tutor English, Reading, Essay Writing, and College Essay Writing, doing a lot of proofreading! I literally do it at home in my pajamas. … Tutoring pays my rent every month and I love the program!” (Jamie Q. on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE Facebook group)
Finding Tutoring Jobs
If you’re looking to tutor in person locally, contact local schools to see if they have any specific jobs or needs. You can also try companies like Sylvan or Huntington learning centers. Or try getting the word out using sites like Care.com or posting on library community boards. As you build up a clientele, you’ll likely find more and more jobs coming your way by word of mouth. Not sure what to charge? Tutoring rates vary by region and are a popular subject for discussion on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE. Drop in and ask for advice.
If you’d rather tutor online, there are lots of different options. You can work for companies with set curricula, which often teach English to non-speakers or offer test prep sessions. You can sign up to answer homework questions, or register to teach online at sites like Outschool.
Learn more: How To Find the Best Online Tutoring Jobs for Teachers
Teacher’s Aide Jobs
Best for: Those who are willing to do whatever is needed, from one-on-one coaching to grading, copying, and other administrivia.
If you want to feel part of the classroom experience but don’t want a full-time teaching position, being a teacher’s aide (sometimes called “paraeducators”) might be right up your alley. Teacher’s aides do a wide array of tasks, depending on their skill set and the position they take. You might spend part of a day doing coaching or tutoring one-on-one or with small groups. Or you could find yourself with a stack of tests to grade and a bulletin board to assemble. Anything is on the table, and teacher’s aides have to be able to go with the flow.
Real Teacher Experience
“I love the interaction with students and getting to build relationships. Each day has variety and I get to experience students in a variety of settings—inclusion in the general education classroom, small groups, specials, recess, lunch. I can use my education background and experience without the headaches of classroom teaching—planning, parent contact, paperwork.” (Beth P., Elementary Teacher’s Aide)
Finding Teacher’s Aide Jobs
Scan your local school and district listings for these opportunities, which might be full- or part-time teaching jobs. Teacher’s aide jobs are often ideal for job sharing, so don’t be afraid to ask if that’s something they might be interested in trying out. Different states and districts have their own requirements, so do some research to find out if you’ll need any kind of college degree or certification for these gigs.
Learn more: How To Become a Teacher’s Aide (Indeed.com)
Part-Time Teaching Jobs Outside of School
Not all teachers work for schools. Many organizations and companies hire educators and may offer part-time work. Here are some options to consider.
Museum Educator
Most museums have education programs and hire teachers to fill these jobs. Those who love art, science, and history will definitely find options, especially in bigger cities or during summer camp season. These jobs often aren’t well-paid, but they can be a lot of fun.
Outschool Teacher
Outschool is a cool platform that allows teachers to create and set up classes in any topic that interests them. You teach online, scheduling your own hours and rates. Find out more about Outschool here.
Homeschool Educator
Not all homeschool kids are taught entirely by their own parents. In fact, many homeschoolers form co-op groups and hire private teachers to cover subjects as needed. Math and science are especially popular subjects. Try searching on job sites like Indeed or Care.com to find opportunities.
Adult Education
Adult education offers a lot of opportunities, and many of them are part-time. You could help people earn their GEDs, or teach English as a second language. You could also teach classes at a local community center on a topic near and dear to your own heart. Scan job sites for postings in “adult education” to find these gigs. (And don’t overlook Prison Educator. These jobs can be very rewarding!)
Corporate Trainer
If you like working with older students or adults, consider a job in corporate training and development. Many of these are full-time, but there may be part-time options available too.