Learn How To Create Engaging Employee Training
Employee disengagement costs companies millions of dollars every year. Today’s employees have high expectations from their workplace. They want to be connected to the company’s mission and know their contribution matters. One of the best ways to show your employees you care about them and their success is to engage them in training and development initiatives.
Many companies recognize the importance of eLearning and invest in developing internal training programs for their employees. This is a step in the right direction. However, many eLearning programs are dry, developed by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with little understanding of the learners and their pain points. This results in low engagement and wasted company resources. So, what should you do instead? Here are a few steps.
How To Get Employees Engaged In Training From The Moment You Start Creating It
1. Talk To Your Employees
Learners should be invited to the decision-making table. So, start by talking to your employees and asking them about their biggest challenges. You need to know what your learners want and what their pain points are. Talking to your learners is the only way to ensure that you address their most significant challenges and create content in the format they prefer. And after you make a small bit of content, go back to your learners for more feedback [1]. This is a crucial part of how to create engaging eLearning content.
2. Prioritize The Biggest Challenges
Each employee you interview may mention a different challenge, so you will likely end up with a long list of potential topics for training. Prioritize these based on which is the biggest challenge. Focusing on the most significant challenge does more than just help with getting employees engaged in training. It also targets the issue that is likely costing you the most time, money, and resources.
3. Create Microlearning Content
Another crucial part of making any eLearning content interesting is to create microlearning. Nobody wants to learn from long-form content anymore. Instead, people want smaller, digestible, action-based modules. In addition to keeping the modules short for microlearning, the other key here is that they need to be action-based. With every module, your learners should complete an action. This lets them put their new knowledge and skills to use immediately.
4. Make Video Content
Video content is easily among the most engaging types of eLearning content. While training video production can be costly and time-consuming, it’s one of the best ways to deliver content [2]. Complex topics can be challenging to understand in a lecture-style format, but with the use of graphics, animation, and examples, it becomes more digestible. Today’s learners have short attention spans; they are used to high-quality video content on YouTube and social media, so an hour-long boring presentation won’t work for them. Focus on microlearning video content with text and graphics to emphasize key points.
5. Have Multiple SMEs Teaching
Finally, don’t just use a single Subject Matter Expert in your course. Have at least two, if not more. Of course, you can create a reasonable course that is taught by just one Subject Matter Expert, but it becomes more engaging, interesting, and valuable when you have more than one. Your learners get to learn from people with different characteristics and personas. They will think of different ideas and provide additional perspectives. And when the SMEs appear in the same videos, they further boost engagement and add personality. Overall, using multiple Subject Matter Experts boosts your entertainment value and credibility. Also, the greater the number of experts who give you the information, the more likely you are to assume it is accurate.
Employees want to be invited to the decision-making table and feel like their contribution matters. One of the best ways to do this is by engaging your employees in the training development process from the get-go. Ask your learners what their challenges are, what they want to learn, and how they typically consume information. Make your content engaging by using microlearning and inviting multiple SMEs who can relate to your learners in a different manner. Combine the tips above on how to get employees engaged in training, and your eLearning training should be a success. You’ll notice high engagement and great results.
[1] How to Create Interactive Videos With VideoAsk
[2] Training Video Production: Your Ultimate Guide