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The map below, updated hourly, shows air quality levels across broad areas in the Bay Area.
Want more information about air quality and wildfire smoke?
- How to protect yourself from wildfire smoke
- How to read air quality maps properly, from Purple Air to AirNow
- Masks for smoke and COVID: Which are best?
See here for which specific air monitoring stations are included in each of the zones. Below is an interactive, crowdsourced air quality map from the private company PurpleAir, which relies on commercially sold sensors for its data. Note that these sensors tend to run higher than the EPA-approved monitors used by the BAAQMD. Here is an expanded list of other air quality measurement resources:
AirNow is also running a pilot project that adds data from low-cost sensors to a fire and smoke map. The Bay Area air district lists current and recent AQI from individual monitoring stations.