Do you like puzzles? Crossword puzzles? Wordle? Jigsaw puzzles? Sudoku? Brainteasers? Riddles?
Or, do you find them needlessly frustrating?
Have you ever tried to solve a Rubik’s Cube, the iconic 3×3 twist puzzle with 43 quintillion colorful combinations? Did you ever successfully complete one — or at least get a whole side to be one solid color?
Max Park, featured in the GIF above, is a longtime speedcubing world record holder, with a best official time of 3.13 seconds. “It’s like playing chess at the speed of Ping-Pong,” his father said.
What’s your reaction to the video and Mr. Park’s skill and blinding speed?
What’s your favorite kind of puzzle — and why? What do you find most compelling or fun about it?
Tell us in the comments, and then read the article “Don’t Think, Just Solve” to learn more about how Mr. Park solves a Rubik’s Cube in just 66 moves.
Students 13 and older in the United States and Britain, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public and may appear in print.
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