One of the most impactful ways that you can teach kids the power of the written word is through poetry. That’s why we’ve put together this list of fun second grade poems to help you get started. You’ll find poems that are short and sweet and others that will jump-start those growing minds.
“I’m a success!”
“Any hound a porcupine nudges …”
3. At the Zoo by William Makepeace Thackeray
“First I saw the white bear, then I saw the black …”
“Mary had a little lamb …”
“… to use a bucket, brush and broom.”
“Here is a very silly crow …”
7. Snakes by Mariah Deitrick
“A snake can glide from side to side …”
“With a sound from the water …”
“How doth the little crocodile …”
“… at home every night.”
“I own a big fat cat- / The fattest for miles around.”
“I’m going out to clean the pasture spring …”
“(Such an awful, boring chore)”
15. The Goops by Gelett Burgess
“The meanest trick I ever knew …”
“I’d cancel oatmeal …”
“Black and white / Thick and furry …”
18. Eletelephony by Laura Elizabeth Richards
“Once there was an elephant …”
19. The Forest by Annette Wynne
“The forest is the town of trees …”
“Butterfly starts as an egg …”
“I posted it online.”
“white wisp- / visible …”
23. The Storm by Dorothy Aldis
“In my bed all safe and warm …”
24. Seashell by James Berry
“Shell at my ear –”
“Visible, invisible …”
26. Rain Sound by Lillian Morrison
“At first it’s like drumming …”
27. Nicknames by Kenn Nesbitt
“My aunt calls me ‘Elizabeth.’”
“There’s mud on my boots …”
29. Tiger by Valerie Worth
“The tiger has swallowed a black sun.”
30. Your Best by Barbara Vance
“If you always try your best …”