What Should You Look For In A Training Needs Analysis Company?
Many organizations dread training needs assessments. Fortunately, there are resources to help you choose a vendor who makes the process painless. Our downloadable guide Is Your L&D Program On Track? Your Stress-Free Training Needs Analysis Outsourcing Guide is packed with tips for finding the perfect outsourcing partner in your price range. But first, let’s go over some of the most common TNA outsourcing mistakes and tips to avoid them entirely.
Top Traning Needs Analysis Outsourcing Pitfalls And How To Avoid Them
Setting An Unrealistic Budget And Timeline
You have a general idea of how much you want to spend and how long the training needs analysis process might take. However, nothing is concrete. Though it’s good to have a flexible budget and implementation timeline, you also need to keep it real. Be practical about how much you can allocate to training needs assessment, given that you must also pay for the training interventions that come along with it. Discuss the project details with the vendor and ask for their input. Is it feasible to wrap up the TNA process in 3 weeks? How much will they charge for bespoke content to bridge the newly disclosed gaps?
Overlooking Ratings And Reviews
User ratings and reviews are there to help you make the best outsourcing decision and learn from others’ experiences. As an example, they mention that the training needs analysis company wasn’t very communicative and rarely asked for their input. Thus, if you choose this vendor, you may want to include collaboration guidelines in the final TNA contract. You can also check out social media groups and forums that provide outsourcing recommendations.
Not Doing Any Prep Work
Top TNA companies know how to conduct a training needs assessment without bending your budget. They use the data that’s available to identify skill gaps and realign training objectives. However, there is some prep work involved before contracting their services, such as gathering all your data sources so that all the information is centralized. You can also conduct some basic employee surveys to gather feedback ahead of time. This also eliminates these tasks from your outsourcing expenses.
Drafting Ineffective RFPs
A Request For Proposal (RFP) is not the first step, but it’s usually your first vendor touchpoint. It provides them with all the project details so they can respond with accurate proposals, which also include cost estimates and TNA turnaround times. Ineffective RFPs make it difficult for vendors to put their best foot forward. They aren’t sure what you’re looking for or how you’ll evaluate outsourcing candidates. Worst-case scenario, you end up with proposals that are over budget and don’t address any of your training needs analysis requirements.
Not Setting Measurable Goals
Most organizations have objective writing down to a science. However, one crucial ingredient is missing, which is how they’ll measure success. Just like your training program, TNA outsourcing must be based on measurable goals and outcomes so that you can determine if the vendor rose to the challenge and met all your expectations. Was it worth the investment? Is further assessment required? Should you hire them again, or is it more cost-effective to handle TNA in-house moving forward?
Prioritizing Cost Versus Value For Money
Price and value should be evaluated separately. While price deals with hard figures, value for money considers the holistic customer experience, from vendor support to achieved results. One of the most damaging TNA outsourcing pitfalls is focusing solely on the price tag. A vendor may be the least expensive on your list, but do they provide maximum value? Or is there another contender that’s worth the added investment? They might have a unique background that benefits your organization or skills that are difficult to find in other vendors.
How To Identify Gaps And Get Your Training Strategy Back On Track
One of the most challenging aspects of how to conduct a training needs assessment is finding a vendor who values collaboration and customer service. They have a real passion for analytics, problem-solving, and data mining, which shines through in every project they undertake. Here’s a sneak preview of our ultimate guide:
- 7 Online Directory Search Tips For Training Needs Assessment Outsourcing
- 8 Training Needs Assessment Myths And Misconceptions That Hinder Organizational Growth
- Your Step-By-Step Guide To Writing A Training Needs Analysis RFP
- 8 Hassle-Free Ways To Qualify Vendors Before Contracting Training Needs Analysis Services
How To Get Your Copy
How do you choose an outsourcing company that goes beyond the basic training needs assessment steps and makes it their mission to diagnose L&D pain points? Download Is Your L&D Program On Track? Your Stress-Free Training Needs Analysis Outsourcing Guide today to hire a TNA pro who understands your unique training challenges. Every organization can benefit from third-party service providers that offer a fresh perspective and innovative training solutions.