What kind of competitor are you? Fierce? Low key? Happy-go-lucky? Do you have swag? A strong game face? Do you ever trash talk or try to intimidate others?
Or do you try to avoid competitive situations, preferring activities where there isn’t so much emphasis on winning or losing?
In “The ‘Iconic’ Stare That Conquered the Internet,” Scott Cacciola writes about a California teenager who shows pigs at livestock competitions and whose icy glare has transfixed millions on social media:
As she prepared to enter the pig ring on a recent weekend morning, Karis Dadson shifted her focus toward a judge who stood on a thick mat of sawdust shavings about 30 feet away.
That focus took the form of an icy stare that has captivated the hundreds of thousands of people who follow Karis, 14, and her family on social media. It was the same stare that has been celebrated by her fans — many of them young women — as empowering, “tuff” and the “meanest mug” in the game. The same stare that has been a source of inspiration to those who dream of emulating her while shopping for groceries, walking their dogs or confronting an annoying neighbor.
The same stare that has prompted such questions as: Who ticked her off? Does she feed her victims to the pigs? Can someone explain this to me?
And it was the same stare that was center stage last month at the Western Bonanza Junior Livestock Show, a three-day potpourri of denim, cowboy boots and expertly manicured animals — swine, sheep, goats and cattle — at the Paso Robles Event Center on the central coast of California. “The stare is iconic,” said Madelynn Gardner, 15, who ran up against Karis and her twin brother, Krew, in several contests over the weekend. “It’s a little intimidating.”
And it is purposeful. You just need to know a bit about livestock shows to understand it.
A field of more than 50 boys and girls, along with their pigs, had been cut to 16 for an age-group final in “swine showmanship,” a specialty for Karis. In showmanship, the exhibitors, as the handlers are known, are evaluated at least as stringently as their pigs are. Judges call out instructions and base their decisions on a host of factors, including how effectively the exhibitors present their pigs, the pigs’ responsiveness to their commands and the pace at which the pigs move. (Optimal pace? Between a jaunt and a trot.)
Karis, who stands 5 feet tall, wore a dark top with leopard-print sleeves, bluejeans and a Navajo pearl necklace, with her blonde hair in a bun. She was accompanied by Johnny Ringo, a 9-month-old, 270-pound crossbred barrow pig she had scrubbed to an immaculate shine.
By tapping him with a pair of small, thin whips that bore a resemblance to conducting batons, Karis guided Johnny Ringo through the ring while steering clear of four-legged traffic.
Mr. Cacciola discusses how Karis’s stare is highly useful in a livestock show:
For the record, all that staring is not a gimmick. Austin Thompson, one of the judges at the Western Bonanza, described making eye contact with judges as an “unwritten rule” in showmanship. It is a sign that the exhibitors are paying attention to the judge’s cues. And if it conveys confidence, that helps, too.
“I like the kids who come out of the gate with that kind of intensity,” Mr. Thompson said. “It just shows a little more care: They’re here to win and to do something.”
Karis said she had practiced until staring became second nature.
“I’m not thinking about the way that I look,” she said. “I’m thinking about how I’m moving around the ring.”
Students, read the entire article and look at all of the videos and photos. Then, tell us:
Have you ever participated in an organized competition, such as a spelling bee, debate forum, math Olympics or sports tournament? If so, was it a positive experience?
What competition do you think would best show off your talents, or do you think you could win? Does reading the article make you want to compete more?
What life skills or lessons have you gained through competition? Are there any downsides to competition, in your opinion?
Are you a competitive person in general? If so, what kinds of things do you like to compete over — grades, games, attention, status or something else? How would you describe your competitive demeanor? Do you have swag, or a game face?
If you are not competitive, what kind of activities do you prefer and why?
Students 13 and older in the United States and Britain, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public and may appear in print.
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