Fresh undergrads aren’t the only people with outstanding student loan debts. Many educators who are already earning their paychecks teaching in a classroom are still paying off their debts from their own degrees. In fact, 60% of educators have student loan debt! While it’s a tragic fact, sometimes it’s just easier to laugh through the pain. These 20 student loan memes will hopefully distract you from your next payment deadline!
1. Announcing post-grad plans …
Michael Scott from the Office said it best. Might as well go out loud and proud.
Source: Juno
2. That’s the dream.
Why didn’t I think of that?!?!
3. They always find you.
You thought you could just go to any old deserted island to get away from your student loan payment? Think again.
4. Thank you.
A toast to the one thing that can never be repaid.
5. “Easy” solution!
It’s common knowledge, right?! Just pay it back. What, like it’s hard?
Source: Juno
6. Sorry!
If only it were this easy.
Source: Juno
7. Relatable.
When you look at the payment, it becomes real. Life hack: Just don’t look.
Source: Meme Generator
8. Living rent-free …
Easy, foolproof way to turn a fun and social moment into a depressing one. Just ponder your outstanding student debt payments!
9. Easy question …
Are you sure you can even get that Chipotle? Every cent is going to need to go to that student loan.
Source: Pinterest
10. Snitches get stitches.
All morals go out the window the second student loans are on the table.
Source: Pinterest
11. Oh, the places you’d go.
In my opinion, the most depressing Dr. Seuss book.
Source: Pinterest
12. Baby steps …
At least he’s trying his best.
13. Best rapper name …
Hey, it’s got a ring to it!
Source: Pinterest
14. If student loans were a person …
It’s like taking candy from a baby. Pure evil.
Source: Pinterest
15. Easy way out …
Sounds like a great, peaceful night of sleep to me.
Source: Buzzfeed
16. Up to imagination …
Seriously, what else are they doing with it?!
Source: Buzzfeed
17. Boo!
Made me jump! Try this out next Halloween and everyone will stay faaaaar away.
Source: Pinterest
18. Loophole …
They forgot to mention the super-manageable 15 feet between the ground and the door. Don’t worry, you’ll get there eventually. Just keep climbing.
19. Best cap.
Going out in style is funny but unfortunately doesn’t deduct any money away from the debt.
20. Sallie Mae Ramen …
People across the country will be eating this yummy ramen flavor for years and years … and years … and years.