We’ve all heard it. Whether it was over the radio, on Spotify, or looping on TikTok, Miley Cyrus’s song “Flowers” has been stuck in everyone’s head since it dropped this year. Miley is well known for standing up for herself and advocating for what is right, but she’s not the only one. Are you ready for the “‘Flowers’ Remix: Teacher Edition”?
This song has become a background track for TikTok teachers who are starting to ask some hard questions regarding the reality of teaching in 2023. One came from a former teacher named Shannon Speir, who now works as a business mentor.
Check out Shannon’s take on “‘Flowers’ Remix: Teacher Edition”:
I mean… where’s the lie? #formerteacherthankgod #exteacherlife #formerteachersontiktok
original sound – ThuanWithTheOveralls
Shannon echoed Miley’s sentiment when sharing some of the things that teachers are offered as rewards or supports. Admin are not supporting our teachers’ and students’ core needs.
Admin: “We appreciate you so much! Here’s a cupcake!”
The number of cupcakes that a teacher is offered a year takes the cake! Between student birthdays, classroom parties, and the occasional treat from the administration, it’s safe to say we are cupcaked out. Teachers want behavior support for their students so that each student can get the individualized attention they need.
Admin: “Test scores were the highest they’ve ever been! Here’s a pizza party!”
Yes, test scores aren’t EVERYTHING, but we work really dang hard to prepare our students for everything and anything. It’s time for a change—teachers deserve a salary increase that reflects the true value of their contributions to society.
Admin: “Guess what! You don’t have to pay to wear jeans on Friday anymore! But only on Fridays.”
What exactly is my jean-wearing funding anyway? Great question—I’m glad you asked. Most teachers aren’t even sure. If we do know, it’s typically “Oh, it’s for the kids.” Dang them with that hook, line, and sinker … we’d do just about anything for our kids.
Yes, jeans are a perfectly acceptable pants choice for teachers without threatening our professional skills. However, enough with the smoke and mirrors; we just want our contract hours (and lunch break) to be honored just like any other job in the world.
Admin: “Listen, there is no more room in the budget for subs this year. So, you can’t take any PTO.”
Yeah. I will let that one simmer for a moment. …
Unfortunately, budget cuts and a lack of substitute teachers can prevent teachers from taking their sick days or paid time off (PTO). Therefore, schools may need to look into alternative solutions, such as hiring temporary or part-time teachers.
Because as Shannon stated, “Bye Felicia” is exactly what many teachers are doing and will continue to do if there aren’t systematic shifts in the educational system.
Shannon breathes life into some of the aspects that have just become expected and accepted by teachers in the educational field while also shining a light on these all-too-frequent comments for those outside of education.
If you’re a charter school teacher or just want to see another TikTok teacher’s remix of “Flowers,” check out April from koolest.teacher as she shares her experiences.